Some days ago I posted an interesting tutorial to customize your Mac’s dock on Mavericks and Yosemite. You can follow this link to get it. But today, at this post, I am going to show you how to customize Mac settings using a little and tiny app which is only 4MB big. Well, the main problem is that OSX is so locked for the user, and because of this, we can`t customize some interesting and hidden features. But today we are going to go beyond main OSX settings. Look at next screen shot:

At previos picture, you can see only a part of the app’s main interface but it is so great as you can advise. With this app, for example, you’ll be able to change system main fonts and sizes for some OSX features. But that is not all, you could also customize nice features on Finder, dock, general settings, desktop, applications, Safari, iTunes and QuickTime. So nice for you if you like to customize your devices.
Customize Mac settings is so easy if you use this tiny app named TinkerTool. Come on, let’s customize your Mac
First, you need to download this app and install it into your Mac’s disk drive. This app is uploaded at its developer website, and because of this, the app is not in the Mac App Store. Then, follow this link to download the file and to get documentation.
– Download TinkerTool.dmg (Disk Image) file into your Downloads folder (or another one, do it as you like). After that, please, just doble-click on this file to open its content. You’ll see something like that:
– Now, as displayed, drag to your applications folder and run it. Because this app is got from the developer’s website your Mac will alert you to open that ‘outside’ from Mac App Store file. Just click on ‘Open file’. (If ‘open’ button is not displayed, then, just get new options menu by right-clicking on file and select ‘open’ option)
When TinkerTool is opened, the app shows you an alert for you to understand how it works in OSX. You can read it carefully to know that this app gains some originally hidden settings. Interesting, right? Yes!!
– If you understand last alert box, you will see the main interface window. Now you can enjoy a lot with that new OSX settings. You can customize Mac settings freely.
Take a look around the app and try all functions that you like. You will find full features listed at the developers website, but you can now, here, read a lot of them. Look at next pictures.
Go back to the website to read carefully all available features. Remember that you can go back to default settings by pressing down ‘reset to defaults’ button in the TinkerTool main window ‘Reset’ tab.
Enjoy as you can customizing your Mac OSX. Take care on some features if needed. But now, you can have your Mac full self customized. Enjoy it!!