Desde que se presentó el primer iPhone en 2007 han surgido infinidad críticas en muy diversos medios de comunicación, hoy en iOSMac te las traemos.
Empezamos esta serie de reseñas con el norteamericano TechCrunch. En un artículo escrito por Seth Porges titulado We predict the iPhone will bomb. El autor citaba una serie de razones por las que el iPhone estaba destinado al fracaso. Por un lado, Porges anticipaba que habría una oleada de pantallas rotas debido a que el primer iPhone tenía un grosor de 11.6 mm. Por lo que sentarse encima del iPhone supondría el tener que sustituir la pantalla. Así mismo, se mostraba reticente con el teclado virtual que dispone el teléfono diseñado en Cupertino ya que según este periodista, el teclado del teléfono no ofrece la rápidez que Blackberry disponía. Pero aun nos hemos reservado la opinión más graciosa acerca del lanzamiento del dispositivo, Porges asegura que el smartphone vendrá cargado de errores por ser lanzado a la venta un viernes.
The iPhone is thin — just 11.6mm — and nearly the entire front is made up of the much-heralded touchscreen. That means glass. And, as anybody who has ever tossed a Wiimote knows, glass breaks. So when Mr. Customer gets a shiny new iPhone and sticks it in his back pocket (after all, that’s where he’s kept EVERY phone since the StarTAC), don’t be surprised if he finds that glass screen can’t sustain all 200 pounds of him. Cracked screens will be to the iPhone what scratched backs were to the Nano.
That virtual keyboard will be about as useful for tapping out emails and text messages as a rotary phone. Don’t be surprised if a sizable contingent of iPhone buyers express some remorse at ditching their BlackBerry when they spend an extra hour each day pumping out emails on the road.
Until June 29, it’s hard to tell too much about the iPhone, but I can tell you with near-certainty one thing: the product was almost certainly rushed to market before Apple’s engineers would have liked.
This, coupled with the fact that Apple has never, in recent memory, released a product on a Friday, should make everybody say “Hmmmm,” and suggests they took a calculated risk of releasing a product that might be a little buggy (probably about as bad as the first run of screen-flickering, case-cracking, motherboard-busted MacBooks), rather than suffer the embarrassment of not keeping their word.
Recordemos que durante mucho tiempo en la industria de la electrónica de consumo no hemos visto dispositivos todo en uno que funcionarán de una manera correcta. Los dispositivos todo en uno han sido durante muchos años un fracaso, por lo que AdAge hace ver que el teléfono móvil de la manzana mordida será un auténtico fracaso.
Prediction No. 1: The iPhone will be a major disappointment. The hype has been enormous. Apple says its iPhone is “literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone.” A stock-market analyst says, “The iPhone has the potential to be even bigger than the iPod.” I think not. An iPod is a divergence device; an iPhone is a convergence device. There’s a big difference between the two.
Prediction No. 2: The media will blame the execution, not the concept. Suppose the iPhone is a major disappointment. Will another convergence failure convince the high-tech industry of its folly? Highly unlikely. Once a concept like convergence grips the imagination, it seldom dies.
David Platt
Este post publicado el 21 de junio de 2007 es oro puro, según este escritor el iPhone no va a tener ningún futuro en el mercado de los móviles ya que el diseño es defectuoso debido a que ningún empleado de Cupertino ha tenido en cuenta al usuario. Por otro lado, hace hincapié en el nulo soporte a empresas, el precio de venta, o incluso, las escasas operadoras de telecomunicaciones que ofrecen terminales de Apple. Si bien esto no fuera poco, David deja también visible la misma opinión que suscitaba AdAge con respecto a los dispositivos todo en uno. Por último y no menos importante, es que el usuario será incapaz de hacer dos tareas al mismo tiempo en un solo dispositivo, como por ejemplo escribir un correo electrónico y escuchar música.
The forthcoming (June 29) release of the Apple iPhone is going to be a bigger marketing flop than Ishtar and Waterworld (dating myself again, aren’t I) combined. And it’s not for reasons of price, or limited cell carrier options, or lack of corporate IT support, which are the mainstream media’s main caveats when they review it.
Instead, the iPhone is going to fail because its design is fundamentally flawed. The designers and technophiles who encouraged development of the iPhone have fallen into the trap of all overreaching hardware and software designers; thinking that their users are like themselves.
[The] iPhone crams too many functions into a single box. Putting everything in the same package so you only have to carry one box sounds like a good idea, until you want to listen to music while surfing the web or reading your email or playing a game. Then users will find it essentially impossible to use one function of the tiny box without disrupting the operation of another. A few dedicated technophiles might, just MIGHT, figure out how to do so, but it will require far more dedication than an ordinary user is willing to invest in learning and then remembering. This combination condemns the IPhone to a tiny niche at best.
Third, users will detest the touch screen interface due to its lack of tactile feedback. Using a thumb keyboard, as on the very popular Treo phone, allows the user to feel the keys and know subconsciously that he’s about to press this one and not the one next to it. A touch screen doesn’t allow that, so the user will have to be looking at the keyboard at all times while using it.
La empresa de finanzas Bloomberg hace saber a Motorola y a Nokia que no tienen nada a que temer, ya que el dispositivo de Apple está pensado para una clase selecta de la sociedad, por lo que en términos de la industria no tendrá ningún efecto.
The big competitors in the mobile-phone industry such as Nokia Oyj and Motorola Inc. won’t be whispering nervously into their clamshells over a new threat to their business….The iPhone is nothing more than a luxury bauble that will appeal to a few gadget freaks. In terms of its impact on the industry, the iPhone is less relevant.
Steve Ballmer
Aunque ya sea un clásico para todos nosotros, sin lugar a dudas las declaraciones de Steve Ballmer, por aquel entonces CEO de Microsoft, no van a dejarte por igual. Él asegura que el iPhone no tiene ningún futuro por su precio y debido a que los móviles con sistemas operativos Windows Mobile tienen una mayor aceptación por parte del mercado.