Today, I’m going to guide you to find and to manage some special data in your iDevice with iTunes. You could find and use a lot of apps to manage that sort of information, but Apple releases us the app iTunes to gain this task. I will guide you to remove some dispensable data and then also to gain iPhone free space (not only for iPhone, it includes all iOS Devices)
With this tutorial you can gain iPhone free space with iTunes easily
As you know, you can download some apps to manage iDevices data content, for example you could use iMazing or PhoneView among others. But please, let me show you how to do it with iTunes.
If you fix your look at next picture, you will see how iTunes app displays your iDevice information in your Mac’s screen. You can recognize that sections easily. But if you look into bottom usage bar you will be able to understand how your data is filling your iDevice in. Well, I am using an iPhone to make this tutorial, and because of this, it is the device what you see set at all my pictures.

If you look at previous picture, look into the red circle and you will see the section’s label ‘Others’, take care about it. Where do that data lives in? Well, that sort of data is about SMS, iMessage messages, phone call history, iDevice settings, etc… but specially this section includes all app’s own data. Sure that iOS could name it as apps data, but Apple want to enclose this data in an ‘Others‘ section.
It will be so easy for you to remove applications, audio and/or video files, books, etc… but, what about apps generated data? Where could you find that sort of data. Well, this tutorial will show you how to locate and remove it (if you need it). Now is time to plug your iDevice in your Mac and run iTunes app. Look at next picture and select the applications tab on your plugged iDevice.
You will see all your Apple ID applications, but you should scroll down this view to gain the dialog box where to remove and/or manage apps own data. Look at next picture and fix your look into the Applications section. Now you should click on each one and explore its own data.
For example, for this tutorial I have chosen FileApp, this app is used to transfer files from Mac to iPhone and vice versa. But it is only an example, you can choose what you want. Try to select anyone of them and look into its own data. Look at next picture to understand it…
FileApp has its data, you can see it at right window’s side. Then you can add or remove that data. If you consider it you should remove it, just do it. This is the place for that. All this data is what you have in ‘Others‘ section. Look at previous picture and you will see one circle which includes two options (for this particular app) ‘Add’ and ‘Save in’. These two actions will transfer iDevice data into the Mac or it will add data from Mac to iDevice. Anyone of them, for example if you have an iPhone, then they will help you to gain iPhone free space .
Make it your way. Here I have tried to guide you to locate using iTunes, the place in your iDevice where ‘Others‘ data is. But maybe you can’t remove it because you need it. Anyway you should know that your all iDevice settings data is also included at ‘Others‘ section. But it is possible that you like to remove all possible data but keeping settings one. Well, mange it as you consider.