Today’s tip is an easy way to gain free storage in your Macintosh HDD (or SSD). Now, I am going to teach you how to remove Flash (Adobe Flash Player) content from your computer. It’s so easy to understand… when you are in a website with Flash content, it will ask you for permission to save some data into your Mac’s main storage device.If you allow it, that website will put its information in your Mac (games, web navigation history, etc…). Normally it means few storage usage, but maybe you have too much Flash content stored for a long. Then, we are going to learn how to gain free storage by removing Flash content.
Let’s gain free storage by removing Flash content
Adobe Flash Player for Mac should be installed in your computer. If so, open System Preferences, if not installed, then let’s visit Adobe website to download it and install it in your Macintosh.
Once System Preferences is opened, you must look for the Adobe Flash Player icon. Look at following picture, you will find it at the bottom of the picture.

Just click on it to open Flash Player settings. You will see displayed in your Mac’s screen a picture like next one.
Now, you will get some tabs to go to, but today’s post is fixed on the ‘Storage’ one (You can explore by yourself all tabs freely). At the ‘Storage’ tab you are request to “tell” to your Mac how to answer when websites wants to save its own data to your Mac’s main storage device. It is recommended to choose “Ask me…” because, in this way, you will be the one who controls all Flash content data downloaded in your Mac. Anyway, choose the answer you like.
At the same settings tab window, you will see two buttons. The first one says “Set local storage by website”… just click on it.
Now, you can add or remove websites which uses your storage device to save its own data. Just click or un-click as you like on every item. If you remove one item, you will lost all its saved data.
If you go back (look at following picture) to the main ‘Storage’ window, you will find the second button which says ‘clear all’. It’s so easy, just click on it to remove all data saved in your Mac by websites which uses Flash content.
But, as working with a Windows OS, you will be request to answer a lot of questions. Now, you must to tell to Flash Player manager which kind of info you want to remove to. Due to we want to gain free storage, please select first option “Clear all data….”. Ready. All data removed.
If you have removed all data, you have won free storage in your Mac’s main storage device. Let’s enjoy it.