Are your thinking about to share files by BlueTooth between your Macs? Maybe you’ve been thinking like me for a long. I thought that it was an impossible matter. Does BlueTooth really works on a Mac? I didn’t think so at all. I don’t know why but for a long Apple’s BlueTooth works have been always a very awful tasks. Well, finally, if you are so quiet, maybe you will be able to send and receive files by BlueTooth from Mac to Mac. How? Let’s go to learn how to share files by BlueTooth between Macs.
JJust serve to yourself a very hot coffee and learn how to share files by BlueTooth between Macs
Just place your Macs (I will use for this tutorial a MacBook and an iMac) on desk so close one from the other. Remember that BlueTooth is just only 10 meters far long. Then place your Macs not much than 5 meters far.
Now you must to be sure that you have turned on BlueTooth system on two both Macs. To do that, please open System Preferences and do click on ‘BlueTooth’ icon.

Make sure that your 2 Macs are ‘friends’. That means that they see themselves by BlueTooth. If not, please restart them to feed BlueTooth hardware system again.
For this tutorial I use my iMac and my MacBook. Just turn on BlueTooth on each Mac.
Just link two Macs by hitting on ‘Link’ button in BlueTooth’s System Preferences (Look at previous picture on my MacBook). Just accept that link action on the other Mac, if so, you will get a picture like next one on each Mac. Make sure that you have linked them. Look into them til read ‘connected’ on both Macs.
Screenshot from my iMac. Now they both are linked by BlueTooth
Screenshot from my MacBook, connected to my iMac
Now, when they both are linked, we only need to send and receive files, but we need to set just one more share setting on each Mac. That is:
Just open System Preferences again (or just go back if it was already opened) and do click on ‘Share’ icon.
And you will get a screenshot like this (maybe in english) where to select ’Share BlueTooth’. Just click on it to share your BlueTooth connection.
Now we only need to share files, fastest way to get it is to have the tiny BlueTooth icon in main Mac’s menus bar. If not exists on your Macs, just open BlueTooth preferences on System Preferences and click on ‘Show BlueTooth in menus bar”.
Just click on this tiny icon to get next contextual menu to use…
Now, just click on ‘Send file to device…’. A dialog box to select files will be prompted on your screen. Just select them and just hit on ‘Send’ button.
New available BlueTooth devices window will be prompted… just select your destination Mac. For this example, I will send a file from my iMac to my MacBook, then I will select it from this list… Don’t worry about “not connected” written under your destination device. They will connect themselves automatically.
Your destination Mac will prompt a message like next picture one (remember that in BlueTooth system preferences I just selected to receive files automatically, due to this, sent file is accepted without any permission requirement)
Finally, you will get probably in your ‘Downloads’ folder all files you’ve sent by BlueTooth. Make sure by seeking it on BlueTooth System preferences.
I hope that you feel happy after this tutorial. It is so difficult to reach a goal like this. But it works… I am now using Airdrop between my Macs, but I can also use this old way… old way… old way…. not just so old!!
PD: By doing it in this way you can share files among your iOS and Mac OS X devices…. but… I wish you all luck!!!