This evening I want to write about the Apple’s main Operative System named Mac OS X. These days, Mac OS X is on 14th anniversary and because of this everybody is remembering how it was in the beginning. It was 14 years before when Apple introduced Mac OS X as today we know it.
Mac OS X is on 14th anniversary
Today’s Apple’s main operative system is based on UNIX one, really, Mac OS X is inherit from Steve Job’s NeXT company. Yes, when Jobs created NeXT Computers, they (he and his employees) developed a new operative system based on UNIX and written on Objective-C programming language. Why? because Jobs specially and his people wanted to create and develop a great computer to be used as a powerful one on schools, laboratories, universities, etc… Do you remember Apple’s Lisa project? It was created as a powerful machine, but it was awful finally. Due to this, Jobs wanted to re-start a project like that, but this tine, in NeXT.

Then, NeXT Computers developed that great computer/machine, but this company was finally purchased by Apple, and Jobs and his employees came back to Apple staff. But Jobs set aside Apple’s current operative system from computers and implanted NeXT one in them. Because of this, today with Objective-C classes we can see NS nomenclature, it means Next Step (NS) and it is regarded to NeXT Objective-C classes developed before. With new Swift programming language, this could be lost.
Anyway, today Mac OS X is, as said by Apple, the most powerful operative system in the whole world… It is the most safe computer system one also. It has “not much” viruses or malware for it, because it is based on Unix OS and it is “few used” (Do you think so?). We enjoy this operative system who has helped Apple to develop also iOS for their own products. Everyday we use iOS or Mac OS X, and then, we are using a powerful tool to communicate, create or invent….
Congratulations Mac OS X… We want you to grow a lot and to make us life as easy as possible… Is it possible? Sure it is.