Today’s post is a simple way to get easy minded tips and tricks for Mac OSX Yosemite .Let’s start!!
Have you tried to remove some of your apps from your Mac through the LaunchPad app? Let’s do it easily. Hit F4 key down on your Mac’s keyboard to open LaunchPad app. Now you will see a beautiful OS X presentation set with your app’s icons in your whole Mac’s screen. Now, just hit down and hold the Option key (Alt) and look at the app’s icons. Look at next picture…

Now you are able to remove your apps easily in LaunchPad by clicking on the X balloon appeared on each app icon (while keeping option key pressed down). Obviously you can move your app’s icons and organize them freely. This way is the same as used in iOS.
Let’s improve your Apple’s experience with these easy tips and tricks for Mac OSX Yosemite
If you hit F3 key down, you will see Mission Control setup view. You can now organize and create, delete and move all desktops you want. But, if you press Option (ALT) key down again, while it is pressed down, you will easily remove your non-used desktops. Look at the following picture. You will gain the X balloon on every desktop small-picture to remove it if you like it.
Maybe you are a person who write a lot of notes by day. Well, sure that much of them will be fast notes like stickies notes ones. If you are a Mac user you will know so well the native app ‘’. You can handle this app for your fast notes like real adhesive ones.
Sure that you also know and use the same app but as a Dashboard widget. You can reach your Mac’s Dashboard and use a sticky note. If you don’t have stickies on your Dashboard, please add a new Sticky Notes widget by clicking on the + symbol icon in the Dashboard.
Now I want you to use regular Mac OS X notes from the app Notes as sticky ones. With this, you will gain the iCloud feature in your quick notes. Open you Notes app (…\Applications\ and create a new note. Just write a few words into the new note at least to title it, and hit down the ‘Enter’ key.
Now, you will see your new note listed at the note’s app list. This note should be the first one, then, just click twice (double-click) on it to detach the note from the Notes app main window (You can detach any note, not only new ones). You will see your new note apart of the Notes app. Your new note is like a sticky one. Now you can close your Notes app window by pressing cmd+w keys down (just close the window, not to quit the app).
You can use the note as a sticky one in your desktop, but this time, you gain iCloud sharing data features.
It is so usual for us to create music playlists when using iTunes music feature. If you have an iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc… maybe you could need some playlists depending on your device, behavior or location. For example, you need to create a new playlist quickly for anything special….
Just select all songs you want in the main songs list on iTunes library. Remember to add songs one by one by clicking on every song and pressing command (cmd) key down. When you have selected all songs, just hit this shortcut SHIFT+CMD+N. You will create a full new playlist which includes all selected songs. So easy and so fast to do it.
But Apple has an interesting way to create smart actions or selections. Have you ever tried them? Don’t worry they are flooding all Mac OS X long. I want you show you how to use one smart rule to make easily an interesting playlist. For example, I want you to create a new playlist to be listened with your iPod Classic in the gym while doing the daily workout. Then, you can use this rule to make it. Hit this shortcut to gain the smart rules pop-up (dialog box), OPTION (ALT) + CMD + N. Now you will see next picture’s dialog box:
Now use these settings (it is only one example): BPM (beats per minute) is much than 120. Remember to click on realtime update option to refresh your music playlist if you add or remove songs of your music library. And just click on ‘Ok’ button to create this smart playlist. Now you have created, in one simple step, in iTunes a music playlist which includes all songs in your library who BPM are 120 or above. Then, the music in your new playlist sure will be about dance style, right? Ok, now apply it in your iDevices and let’s go to the gym, your fast rhythm music is ready!! Just try another settings (rules) and configure you own smart playlists.
It could be so usual for Mac users the needles to rename files or folders. You can use some ways to do it, but now I propose you the fastest one. It is so easy and you only need yo have a fast-movement hand. Why? For example, open a Finder window and locate a random file into your Mac to rename (you can do it with folders names also). Is it ok? Now just select the file, to get it, do one click on it. If it is selected, you will see its filename background color as blue (it depends on the desktop theme, but normally it is blue) and its filename in white color. And now, you must do following action to edit its filename; Just click on the selected filename and quickly get off mouse/trackpad pointer from filename area. If you make it right, you will be able to edit the filename just here with this interesting movement.
Remember, with the file/folder selected, just do one click on the filename and get off the pointer as fast as possible from filename area. Now, the filename is able to be changed. Practice it.
Have you ever read the ‘About this…’ app’s section? Yes? No?. Never mind, I want you to know this simple way to read it. Just open iTunes (it is only an example app) and look for iTunes menu at main OSX menus bar. Now just click on the ‘About iTunes’ item. You will see a pop-up like this…
Now you can see the ‘About iTunes’ scrolling down text. You can read whole text slowly… sure? yes, while text is scrolling down, try to hit down the option (alt) key. While you are pressing it down, the scroll direction is reversed. Then, text will go up and you could read it again. Try it. While scrolling down, hit ALT (option) ket to scroll up. Curious? Yes it is.
Sometimes we want to get at sight the iTunes player while using other apps, but iTunes main window is so big and it almost plenties our Mac’s screen. We know that we can hide it and use on keyboard iTunes keys, but maybe we want to reduce iTunes’ player size. Well, it is a simple tip but you can reduce iTunes Player to the smallest size.
First, open iTunes and hit down this shortcut; OPTION (alt) + CMD + M. You will gain the iTunes mini player. Look at previos picture, what you see is the iTunes mini player with album art also displayed. You can hide this album art and get small size by clicking on the indicated icon (look at previous picture). When you do it, you have what you see at following picture…
What you se at previous picture is the mini player without album art displayed. It is so small, but we can gain the smallest iTunes Mini Player size. To reach next picture iTunes player size, you need to click at one side (edge) of the current player and drag it to the other mini player’s side to get the smallest size. Just try it. You will see something like viewed at following picture. Really, this size is very small, check it yourself.
If you don’t empty your Mac’s trash by using the secure mode, you will not remove all believed data. I mean, when removing Mac’s trash content by the regular way, really, we are not deleting the files or folders. Mac OS X really hides this content for you but you don’t gain equivalent free disk space. Why not? Because removing trash content by regular way, you could recover all this data in the future with special recovering apps.
Then, if you want to gain free disk space in your Mac, you must clear your Mac’s trash out by the secure way. Move your mouse/trackpad pointer to desktop and do click, gain the Finder app focus . Do you see the main Finder menu bar? Then look for ‘empty trash securely’ and click on it (Look at next picture). Confirm your action in the pop-up. You will gain free space as long your trash was full.
Download Yosemite from Apple
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